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"the Lang email in it's entirety (verbatim) dated 8/09/23 at 5:13 pm and widely distributed", as follows with my comments added here in BOLD type on June 22, 2024 at 9:50 AM.

(Photos of Bradley Lang & friends gathered from the public domain). 🙄

"Members and Alternates of the BCRCC,

I won’t say much about the allegations Mr. William T. “Guardrail” Newton is making about me,

And yet he then does "say much" about me (and another person) while the "allegations" he references about him were NOT made by me. They were in an official complaint by Tom Henry filed with the Maryland State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Division AND the Administration and Ethics Subcommittee of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee.

other than that, like him, they are toothless.

Insulting personal remark about my appearance, a medical condition I have.

This is a ten-month-old, minor campaign finance infraction,

The time is irrelevant as it's ongoing/unresolved and his assertion that it's "minor" downplays the severity. The "minor infraction" as he calls it is a violation of the law that carries both incarceration and/or a fine.....

which the State Board of Elections confirmed to the Chairwoman of the Central Committee

The State Board of Elections has no occasion or reason to discuss ("confirm") a complaint or an ongoing investigation over campaign finance violations involving Lang, as an employee and treasurer of an elected councilman. Further, it would be legally impermissible and irregular to discuss it with the "Chairwoman of the Central Committee".

that in the unlikely case that the state board decided to take action on it, the most serious penalty would have been a small fine.

Lang continues to downplay and predict the outcome of any official enforcement while he continues to ignore, but by omission, admits by his deflection, his comments and description of his actions (and those of the Councilman) that he committed a violation of the law.....and explains their after the fact attempt to cover it up!

Only a man of such infinitesimally low character would attempt to assassinate someone’s character over something so minimal.

Lang's catagorization of my reporting of the official complaint filed and made public by Mr. Henry, as me being "a man of such infinitesimally low character" and that I was attempting "to assassinate (HIS) character" just doesn't hold water. It's more telling as he again frames, his violation of the law as "minimal", insignificant..... And allow me to also point out Lang's own statements in HIS email broadside ABOUT ME, "attempts (sic) to assassinate someone's character". MINE for no reason!

In fact, the day after the Councilman and I were made aware of the potential issue a letter was sent to the Board of Elections explaining the situation and I was removed and replaced as Treasurer.

This is his ADMISSION that there was an issue and they worked together to mitigate the violation of the law by REMOVING Lang as treasurer....but THAT does not change the fact he broke the law.

Perhaps what the committee should be discussing, is Newton’s incredibly low character and repeated, dastardly actions. When he calls the committee, myself, and Ms. Smero criminals, Mr. Newton is engaging in a gross case of projection.

First of all, this political Party "committee" has no jurisdiction over me or any private citizen.....

Since when is reporting officially filed public complaints over violations of campaign finance laws "Dasterly actions" or "low character"? Lang's email here is however a perfect example of "projection" as he attempts to misdirect the recipients of his communication? Yes and his false, misrepresentations and libelous statements about me (and others).


Let’s put the worst first.  I didn’t have an idea about any potential conflict in my service as a campaign treasurer, but when I found it out, I immediately had myself removed from that position. 

He only "removed" himself AFTER he got caught, after Mr Henry filed his official complaint. As a campaign Treasurer, a senior advisor to an elected official, an elected political Party District representative himself, the County Party Secretary and Chairman of the "Organization & Rules Committee" , Lang has violated several oaths and must have forgotten the one where he affixed his signature as Treasurer "under the penalty of perjury" to those campaign finance reports. A person who violates this section of Maryland law is guilty of the misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years.

Everybody knows that embezzling from your own mother, especially when she is elderly and under care of a legal guardian, is wrong— but Mr. Newton and his “roommate” did it anyway. 

To the point, neither I nor my "roommate".... embezzled from my mother (or anyone else). This is where Lang decided to make his libelous statements even after I personally requested a private Executive session meeting with the County Party (with Lang in attendance) and provided actual details from the sealed family estate case to which I was a "party" wherein I held my mother's Durable Power of Attorney and maintained the fiduciary responsibilities to carry out her written directives. Mom was alive, living by herself and NEVER diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer's and never treated for it, either.

Further, Mom's personal family physician affirmed she by his affidavit ten years earlier AFTER she appointed me as her Patient Advocate (if ever needed) and assigned me as her "attorney-in-fact" with her Durable Power of Attorney. *As a footnote - Mom's property was placed in a Revocable Trust for as long as she was property changed hands and Mom had full control of it. Lang as others in the Party Executive session were made fully aware of these facts.

As a serial liar, he’ll deny it— but he pled guilty.

"A serial liar". Well that's certainly defamatory when he provides zero examples. Just another attempt to misdirect attention away from allegations made about him by others.

Indeed I've NEVER denied it, I plead "guilty with explanation" to the Court. My explanation (along with my presented evidence) affirmed my legally binding fiduciary duty to carry out my mother's directives. YES I AM "GUILTY" OF FOLLOWING THE LAW. (But let's NOT lose sight that Lang is guilty of NOT FOLLOWING the law)..... there's a distinct difference.

Yes, that’s right— the Court ordered Newton to repay over $16,000 which he embezzled back to the trust set up for his mother’s care. 

There has never been anything "embezzled" by me from my mother. There was never a "trust set up for (her) care". But I did volunteer/agree to continue to assist paying my mother's debts.....including her care, if she lacked the funds. I stated to the court on the record, volunteering to have her move in with me if it was ever necessary.....also on the record was proof that I had been paying her "house bills" out of my own pocket for a number of years (property taxes, weekly/monthly groceries, home maintenance, her car insurance, internet, and many other incidentals so she could "age in place" comfortably).

These are admissions I provided in the private Executive session that Lang attended.....5 years ago‼️ So Lang knows better. His libelous statements meet the definition of "actual malice".

Not only does he have to pay over $16,000, but he is also still under a court order of probation which lasts five years after 2019. See case 03-K-19-000071 filed in the Maryland State Judiciary.

Point of fact, "PBJ" stands for: "Probation BEFORE Judgement", meaning there was "no finding of guilt" despite the spurious accusations made by my sister, estranged from the family for 30 years...$16K is an arbitrary monetary number to ensure my mother would continue to be cared for, then in her 80's and in frail condition but healthy.

Another point of fact, neglected to be mentioned in Lang's 8/09/23 email - my mother DIED on May 25, 2020. This is more evidence that Lang meant to harm my reputation (and my "roommate") while misdirecting others away from HIS violations of the law.

Is the type of person who embezzles from his sick mother the sort of person you want to take moral guidance from?  It shouldn’t be.  I won’t even complete the full rap sheet of judgements made against Newton, because eventually my email would run into a word limit.  

"Full rap sheet"? Another empty claim and personal slanderous attack on my character without providing a single bit of evidence to sustain his allegations.


Mr. Newton’s checkered record on this committee itself also deserves mention.  Robert’s Rules states that a parliamentarian, without a special provision, shall abstain from contributing to debate in a non-parliamentary capacity, and prohibits parliamentarians from voting— during his time as parliamentarian, Mr. Newton thought he could get one over on the committee, and flagrantly violated these standards at every meeting that he attended. See RONR 47:55.

LET'S CONTINUE to address Lang's mischaracterizations....

Roberts Rules is NOT the GOVERNING document for the Maryland State or County Party..... and I resigned my elected positions of leadership (as did my "roommate". Both of us returning to being private citizens) from that "criminal enterprise" on Memorial Day 2020 BECAUSE of the activities of Lang, Smero & others who refused to comply with the law, the Party Bylaws and Maryland State law......this clearly permits me to refer to this Party Central Committee as a "criminal enterprise" based on ALL the evidence publicly available.

Remember Lang's email here is dated 8/09/2023.

I never was the official parliamentarian but the "special provision" I enjoyed "acting as the Parliamentarian" was due to the fact at the time I WAS THE PARTY ELECTED CHAIRMAN of the Organization and Rules Committee which was charged with "the conduct of meetings" (among other responsibilities including providing the definitive interpretation and citing of the Party Bylaws when controversy arises) and I was permitted to "act" in the capacity as the Parliamentarian by the exclusive powers bestowed from the Chairwoman of the County Party......another failing of Lang's, not knowing or ignoring the Bylaws AND Maryland State law.

When he was about to stand for impeachment from his role as Second Vice Chairman, Newton resigned, derangedly accusing the committee of being the criminals.  The only person likely to be a criminal is the one who cuts and runs when he’s about to be judged before his peers— I think you’ll agree.  

More "projection". I was never "about to stand for impeachment". Perhaps a conspiracy in his mind or hope being the underlying reason as he was seeking to obtain higher positions that he is or was not worthy of..... The resignations submitted by myself & "roommate" was properly presented in writing, stating the factual unimpeachable reasons.....and afterward 6 or seven other members also resigned. It's all a matter of the official record. If he believes that he is one of my peers, then "I think you'll agree", it is he who is "deranged".


Oh, Mr. Newton is also a thief— when he came to scream and throw a bizarre tantrum at the Maryland Young Republicans’ election integrity summit at the Westminster Greene Turtle in 2021,

There are many witnesses, even live video and plenty of evidence that Lang's claims here are entirely FALSE. Let me point out, he was NOT in attendance.

"Thief" he calls me......another slanderous accusation. First, there's no denying that I am considered nationally as an expert on "Election Integrity" I have no need to defend the position.

The not present Lang claims I "ran out on" my tab..... Funny thing, I had no "tab". I don't drink and haven't for nearly 40 years.....anyone who knows me knows that. Also, I was invited to "present" at that event and along with my friends associates set-up an information table with hand-outs on the subject. We were the very last to leave the venue.....Further, I made an unsolicited cash donation to the host organization in appreciation for inviting us - Maryland Young Republicans, directly to Sam Smith.

he ran out on his tab after his tantrum. So now we’re at embezzler, Central Committee renegade, and dine-and-dasher. Perhaps he’s the most sordid character to ever serve on a Central Committee not only in Maryland, but in the nation.

Oh these new titles Lang gives me and mischaracterizations....: "ran out", "tantrum", 'embezzler", "renegade", "dine and dasher", "the most sordid character".... Ya know these are perfect examples of slander and libel, and presented with "actual malice".


THEN in his email, here he doubles down and repeats his false, slanderous accusations -

Again: this is a man who embezzled from his ailing mother, steals from restaurants, committed disgraceful malfeasance in his official duties, and is a perennial candidate with a track record of never winning. Even his live-in “roommate”/“not-girlfriend” thinks he’s inept enough that she ran against him for Congress. Wow!

Now let's address some of his added snide comments (I'm not losing sight though that this email by him was primarily to misdirect attention away from HIS violations of the law).

"a perennial candidate with a track record of never winning"? That's laughable.

I realize he's too young to have any recollection but in 2014 I WON the Republican Party's NOMINATION for State Delegate, in 2022 I WON the Republican Party's NOMINATION for State Senator, in 2014 I WON the position as Baltimore County Republican Party District Representative, again in 2018. In some of those contests, I received more votes than ANY Republican candidate in the state's history in those races. Along the way, I WON by internal Party elections positions that included Chairman of the State Party Election Integrity Committee, Second Vice-Chair of the County Party, Chairman of the County Party Organization and Rules Committee....and received NOMINATIONS for State Party Chairman in 2016.....

Regarding my live-in “roommate”/“not-girlfriend” running for public office, I wasn't aware THAT constitutes an allegation that I'm "enept". Another attempt by Lang at "character assassination"...... By his measure, anyone who runs for political office must be because everyone else in that Party Primary contest must be "enept". I wonder how that is reconciled by those Republicans who ran against him? Does that mean HE IS ENEPT or are they exercising their right to seek public office?


This brings us to our conclusion: this scoundrel only occasionally attacks Democrats, focusing his efforts on Republicans (especially those who win).

Now I'm a "scoundrel" because I "occasionally attack Democrats" while "focusing (my) efforts on Republicans (especially those who win)". I'm stumped. Who are those Republicans "that win" that are the beneficiaries of my "focus"? Are they above reproach just because there's an (R) after their name?

His tactics of cooking up nothing-burger accusations against honorable Republican leaders makes him the Alvin Bragg of Baltimore County Republican politics. Yes, you heard that right.  He is using the radical left, antifa tactics that RINOs and socialists are using against President Trump at this very moment.

"At this very moment"......? I wonder what grade his teacher gave him on this?

One may ask, does he have hidden motives?  He certainly acts like someone who does. Fortunately, he proves time and time again to be utterly incompetent— otherwise George Soros and Klaus Schwab would be out here cutting him big checks.

Are you scared yet? If you are, then your conspiracy drenched tinfoil hat might be too tight on your melon head, like Lang's. Unlike Lang, I am a published author, a journalist, that engages in and participates in publication of political commentary, peer-reviewed research and investigative reports and pretty much whatever I've published for over 3 decades has been well accepted....that includes my testimony on the record as an expert in State and Federal courts, Legislature's committees around the country.....if there's some deceptive "hidden" agenda or I'm "incompetent" , I'd like to see the evidence; otherwise Lang's spurious claims are might suspect given the evidence, besides failing to redirect attention from his OWN failings (while actually demonstrating them at the same time), he might just be jealous.

While I’m not aware of what’s going on in the Administration and Ethics subcommittee, it appears from this email that Mr. Newton does.

Well there's a provable lie. He is well aware of "what’s going on in the Administration and Ethics subcommittee" ABOUT HIM...

For this reason, I will be submitting a complaint calling for an investigation into the apparent leaking of confidential information from that subcommittee. We must end our issue with leaking of confidential information (which consequently is again a communist tactic) as soon as possible.

AND he's also well aware (proven by email evidence that I have provided copies of TO HIM, that the answer to his "call for an investigation into the apparent leaking of confidential information from that subcommittee" CAME FROM HIS OWN CHAIRWOMAN, PATRICIA FALLON ‼️ So Mr Lang, how's that "investigation" coming along?



Bradley Lang"

PS- LANG'S ATTACHMENT below from the Maryland Case Search platform violates the "privacy and use agreement" HE accepted when logging into it.

It also doesn't provide any details of what actually transpired during THAT hearing..... Lang was not present in the Courtroom - nobody was except the Court personnel and litigants.

Perhaps he should "call for an investigation into the apparent leaking of confidential information from that"?

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